Bertanggung jawab atas penjualan bahan untuk Animal Health ( Antibiotics, Vitamins, Desinfectant ), Growth Promotor, Feed Additives. Membuat laporan penjualan. Bekerja sama dalam team
S1 Peternakan. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama minimum 1thn. Mempunyai SIM A About us PT Halim Sakti Pratama is a subsidiary of Halim Sakti Group supplying specialty and industrial chemicals in Indonesia since 1972. Located in Western part of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, this company was established in 1972 by late Mr Jusuf Halim under the name P.D Halim (Sole trading company) and in 1976 was reorganized and registered as a private limited company under the name PT Halim Sakti. In 1997, PT Halim Sakti was restructured and became the holding company of the group. PT Halim Sakti Pratama was formed to take over the business activities of PT Halim Sakti in Jakarta & surrounding areas. In an ever changing business environment, we see that customers and suppliers expectations are growing more diverse and complex. As a result, we as an organization also took steps of transformation by adopting the ISO 9001 Quality Management System with the purpose of creating efficiency, strong market presence and quality services.
Perdagangan Umum
monday - friday
Jalan Tomang Raya No.4, Jatipulo, Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11430