Manage end-to-end campaign execution and oversee campaign performance. Collaborate with teams to identify business opportunities, develop marketing ideas, and create impactful marketing solutions. Work with creative and social media teams to design the compelling promotional materials and content Work with external parties Provide insights and analysis around campaigns and content Create weekly report of performance, campaign evaluation and next action item and report it to Marketing lead
Coordinate with the Business Support and Operations Section at the Head Office, related to targets, budgets, and work plans. Set the regional work plans in accordance with predetermined targets and budgets. Responsible for business growth in the working area: Establish a Regional Office and determine the scope of its working area. Ensuring that all aspects of licensing in the area are met in relation to the existence of Regional, Area, and Branch Offices. Establish Area offices and branches under each of the said Areas. Fulfill all manpower needs in Regional, Area, and Branch Offices, through a coordinated recruitment and training process with the Business Support Section at the Head Office. Ensure all operational aspects can run well, and ensure the achievement of business targets that have been set with good performance results. Person with result oriented
Bertanggung jawab atas pencapaian dan pertumbuhan nilai penjualan Bertanggung jawab terhadap pengembangan area Mengelola budget operasional dan promosi yang dikeluarkan Mengelola sumber daya manusia (tim sales) Memberikan informasi/masukan tentang produk dan kondisi pasar
Mengelola hubungan bisnis dengan Distributor/Mitra usaha dan toko guna mencapai target penjualan yang telah ditentukan. Membuat rencana kunjungan ke toko dan mitra usaha untuk aktivitas penjualan (penjelasan produk dan program), pengumpulan informasi competitor, distribusi, serta pencapaian target yang ditentukan. Membuat analisa kondisi WODBC (Warehousing, Ordering Cycle, Delivery, Billing, Collection) mitra usaha dan perkembangan pasar untuk menyusun strategi pendekatan kepada Mitra Usaha. Memonitor aktivitas operasional Distributor/Mitra Usaha (Penjualan, program penambahan outlet, active outlet) sesuai cakupan wilayahnya. Melakukan analisa program, promo, dan event setelah selesai terutama dampaknya terhadap penjualan. Membuat Rolling Forecast. Mengelola sosialisasi, penggunaan, dan complain Aplikasi.
Ensuring office operational needs including asset is fulfilled and maintained and used as needed. Ensure routine expenses is running well and according to needs. Make PR submission and goods purchasing according to needs and procedural. Recapping and processing PT. DKCMI asset and rental car repairing submission.
Membuat dan menyusun payment voucher Memeriksa dokumen pembelian dan penjualan Menginput dan menghitung pembelian TBS beserta pelaporan Arsiping, scanning, dan filling dokumen pajak
Melakukan penjualan & menawarkan produk ke toko/dealer Melakukan penagihan piutang ke toko/dealer
Melakukan kunjungan ke delaer Merencanakan strategi penjualan Aktif merencanakan dan melaksanakan event promosi untuk area masing-masing Membuat laporan penualan Mengarahkan promotor untuk mencapai target penjualan Membuka Dealer baru yang berpotensi dan membangun hubungan baik dengan Dealer yang sudah bekerja sama