PT. Sinar Nirwana Sari

Company Overview

HISTORY Established on February 25, 2000, PT.SINAR NIRWANA SARI , or commonly named SNS, we us company of National Indonesia. It began with supplier material (natural) for Construction Civil & Building, SNS , along with rapidly economic growth, raised into a strong corporation with is four main business pillars that include Construction, Minning, Rent and Trade. In the Construction field, SNS has coped with various scale of through shopistificated technologi, ranging from public facilities dan civil work. In the Minning of Field, SNS already of partner in the Minning Coal from Over burden, Coal getting and houling. In the Rent of Field, SNS already of prepare heavy equipment second or branch new for need on site. With rent price is the best. The four business pillars are managed through constrcuction division and three subsidialries . Hence, every business unit will have more focus on the management of its business, so one day, the business units can be take and give.

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Location Bukit Gading Indah BLok SA 10-11, Jl. Raya Gading Bukit Indah No.Raya, RW.5, West Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14240
Jakarta - Jakarta - Indonesia