PT. Abacus Bhineka Citra

Company Overview

Amerind Bio-Clinic Laboratorium main clinical laboratory is known as the Central Laboratory in Indonesia. ABC Laboratorium provides a variety of laboratory tests which include complete examination from routine to high-tech examinations such as PCR. Backed by professional management, advanced equipment and human resources that are competent in their field of expertise, and an International Medical Laboratory accreditation ISO 15189:2012 by the Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN), ABC Laboratorium provides the best, most reliable and quality services to all its customers. ABC Laboratorium also offers a range of facilities that provide convenience to customers such as: Home Service, Internet Reporting with different language options, specimen collection through in-house courier service, and various services.

Why join us?

Bekerjasama dengan tim yang sangat ahli dan berpengalaman Menjadi bagian dari komunitas yang besar dimana Anda akan mendapatkan banyak kesempatan untuk mendapatkan relasi bisnis


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Location Graha Mas, Blok C-18 Jl. Raya Pejuangan – Kebon JerukJakarta Barat – 11530
Jakarta Barat - Jakarta - Indonesia