Cari Pekerjaan

Hasil Pencarian

  • Supervisor HR Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Bertanggung jawab atas tim Human Resources Melaksanakan keseluruhan proses rekruitmen sesuai dengan prosedur Menyusun SOP dan KPI secara jelas dan rinci Menyusun kontrak kerja dan mengevaluasi secara berkala Bertanggung jawab pada administrasi karyawan (cuti, absensi, perhitungan overtime, surat menyurat, perhitungan Pph, BPJS Kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan, serta administrasi karyawan lainnya) Mengadministrasikan payroll karyawan Mengkomunikasikan dan memastikan peraturan perusahaan ditaati dan dijalankan oleh seluruh karyawan Melakukan evaluasi kinerja terhadap karyawan Memperbaharui dan mengembangkan kemampuan karyawan melalui pelatihan/training, seminar, dan kegiatan pengembangan skill lainnya Menghandle segala urusan terkait General Affair


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  • Human Resource PT. Spire Indonesia Jakarta (Jakarta)

    Recruitment of new employees. Managing employee performance review and training. Having knowledge about time attendant reports, timesheets, and keeping records of asset inventory Interface with internal employees regarding general affairs and administrative support functions Responsible for handling general affairs: procurement, inventory control of office stationaries, and office management. Managing SOP.


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  • Supervisor HRD PT. Grogol Sarana Transjaya Jakarta Utara (Jakarta)

    Bertanggungjawab terhadap pekerjaan HRD secara umum ( PKWT, Industrial Relation, Recruitment ) Melakukan pengawasan, pengontrolan, evaluasi dan pengembangan karyawan Melakukan koordinasi, baik secara internal maupun eksternal terkait hubungan industrial Mengelola tugas administrasi seperti data karyawan ( input / update data base karyawan ) Handle proses penerimaan karyawan baru Menjadi penengah antara manajemen dan karyawan Memberikan solusi saat ada kasus tertentu yang terjadi di lapangan


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  • HRBP Officer PT. Metrodata electronics, Tbk Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)

    Consults with line management, providing HR guidance when appropriate. Analyzes trends and metrics in partnership with the HR group to develop solutions, programs and policies. Manages and resolves complex employee relations issues. Conducts effective, thorough and objective investigations. Maintains in-depth knowledge of legal requirements related to day-to-day management of employees, reducing legal risks and ensuring regulatory compliance. Partners with the legal department as needed/required. Provides day-to-day performance management guidance to line management (e.g., coaching, counseling, career development, disciplinary actions). Works closely with management and employees to improve work relationships, build morale, and increase productivity and retention. Provides HR policy guidance and interpretation. Provides guidance and input on business unit restructures, workforce planning and succession planning. Identifies training needs for business units and individual executive coaching needs. Participates in evaluation and monitoring of training programs to ensure success. Follows up to ensure training objectives are met.


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  • HRD Internship PT. Star Cosmos Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)

    Mahir menggunakan MS. Excel Teliti, komunikatif, dan memiliki interpersonal yang baik Sudah Vaksin ketiga Covid-19 Bersedia ditempatkan di Rawa Buaya, Jakarta Barat Bersedia bekerja Senin - Sabtu


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  • HR Generalist PT. Everseiko Indonesia Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)
    IDR 4,500,000 - 5,000,000

    All aspects of recruitment Employee services: personal database, attendance, leave, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan & BPJS Kesehatan, disciplinary issues, appraisal, review, contract etc Analyze, create, coordinate, communicate and implement business structures, procedures (SOP & KPI), processes, and the utilization of resources. Documenting processes and presenting progress reports to superior and management Daily HR administrative tasks


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  • RECRUITMENT & PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT STAFF PT. Jaya Fermex Jakarta Utara (Jakarta)

    Proven experience in recruiting & training Proven experience in conducting & designing multiple training events in a corporate setting Familiarity with traditional and modern training medhods, tools and techniques Able to provide online training for everyon, anywhere and anytime with lowcost Setting job specification, description, job analysis and job competency for certain position Setting & Up dating organizational structure Setting & Up dating employment agreement (PKWT & PKWTT ) Able to make MPP (Power Plan) Preparing induction program for new employee Preparing employment and disclousure of agreement for new employee Preparing exit clearance and exit interview for termination employment Preparing head count report for every month. Update current and design new recruiting procedures (e.g. job application and onboarding processes) Supervise the recruiting team and report on its performanceKeep track of recruiting metrics (e.g. time-to- hire and cost-per-hire) Implement new sourcing methods (e.g. social recruiting and below the line media) Review recruitment software and suggest the best option for company needs Research and choose job advertising options Advise hiring managers on interviewing techniques Coordinate with department managers to forecast future hiring needs Stay up-to-date on labor legislation and inform recruiters and managers about changes in regulations Familiarity with headhunters & outsourching company Able to setting out job specific competencies standar for employees Able to setting plan for Career management scheme, Talent Management scheme, pool of talent, standard career path.


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  • HRD Supervisor PT. Bumi Lestari Investama Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)

    Melakukan proses HR Kompensasi dan Benefit, Payroll, Jamsostek, Medical Insurance. Melakukan pengecekan laporan absensi karyawan, perhitungan payroll dan komponen pendukung (BPJS Kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan, PPH 21, overtime, insentif, dan lainnya). Membuat SOP dan IK. Mengevaluasi peraturan dan kebijakan perusahaan sesuai dengan ketentuan ketenagakerjaan yang berlaku. Memonitor dan melaksanakan kegiatan program CSR. Membantu Department dalam penyusunan kebijakan dan penyusunan kegiatan hubungan internal. Membina hubungan yang baik dengan institusi terkait (Disnaker/ Menaker, dll). Melakukan pengawasan dan monitoring pelaksanaan peraturan perusahaan, PKWT, PKWTT, pemagangan, dll. Menerbitkan dokumen sanksi terhadap pelanggaran tata tertib kerja sebagaimana tercantum dalam Peraturan Perusahaan (Surat Peringatan, Surat Teguran, Surat Skorsing, Surat Panggilan Karyawan, Surat Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja, dll).


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  • HR Executive PT. Papandayan Cocoa Industries Bandung (Jawa Barat)

    Administers and coordinates HR programs such as compensation and benefits, with a primary emphasis on employment and employee relations; communicates and interprets company HR policies and procedures; organizes company related events; team events, team building, sports, wellbeing and other engagement programs. Support Managers’ HR Cycle activities and play point of contact from managers to answer their inquiries and coach and provide guidance for Performance and Development Management, Career Development, Compensation & Benefit, Exit procedure Partners with the line managers to plan, analyze, and develop staffing needs and determine organizational structure. Coordinates recruitment process and initiates recruitment ads; reviews applications/resumes; assist the line managers with screening applicants; ensures offers are made in accordance with procedures. Conducts new hire employee orientations, apprises employees of benefit options, and accurately completes requisite paperwork for new staff members. Counsels' employees regarding HR policies, procedures, and practices. Identifies employee needs with regards to performance problems, training options, and career development and makes recommendations accordingly. Check, review, and align the services with company and government policy. Conduct audit/review/assessment to external parties, vendors, suppliers in order to compliance with the regulations. Works closely together with the line manager to achieve shared organizational objectives, in particular implementing people solutions that support strategic business goals. Responsible for providing a wide variety of HR Partnership and Support and execute HR Programs, aligned also with global/regional people priorities.


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  • HR Recruitment Staff PT. Sinar Mitra Sepadan Finance Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta)

    Mampu mengoperasikan job portal (jobstreet, kalibrr, linkedin, dsb) Berpengalaman dalam membuat konten media sosial terkait HR Memiliki kemampuan menganalisa trend di social media Menguasai Platform social media (TikTok & Instagram Expert Priority) Memiliki pengetahuan tentang platform perekrutan yang efektif Memiliki pengalaman akan company brand awareness Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office dan platform design dengan baik Detail oriented dan kreatif Disiplin, komunikatif, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab


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