Designing, developing, modifying, testing, improving, looking for breakthroughs to making an evaluation of the software so it can function as expected from various departments. Collect problems, provide and implement solutions from software or systems. Recommend some system change construction, system maintenance, and system standardization. Designing, coding, testing, debugging, documenting and supporting all types of applications consistent with established specifications and business requirements to deliver business value Contribute to development team and help to achieve key business objectives Build scalable and high-performance mobile applications and APIs
Identify, assess impact, and provide recommendation for resolution of issues related to business processes, procedural and system changes. Working with customers to identify business requirements. Follows and improves architecture, design, technical documentation, and coding standards. Crafting solutions to address the business needs of customers. Ensure that project quality meets standards and testing plan. Assists with second level incident resolution, problem root cause analysis, and post change validation. Provides on-call support when critical production issues occur.
Menganalisa kebutuhan perusahaan, membuat serta mengembangkan project Mengidentifikasi potensi risiko dalam proyek dan mampu meminimalkan atau mengatasi risiko tersebut Melakukan koordinasi bersama business partners (pihak ketiga) serta stake holder dan mengembangkan strategi untuk menerapkan berbagai solusi secara efektif. Mengidentifikasi, membandingkan, dan mengimplementasikan solusi teknologi terkini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan project saat ini dan kedepan. Membuat estimasi biaya, kebutuhan sumber daya manusia, rencana kerja, jadwal waktu, dan rencana komunikasi Mengelola dan mempertanggung jawabkan anggaran yang sudah ditentukan Mengelola pekerjaan tim project dan memastikan pekerjaan sesuai dengan timeline Membuat laporan akhir setelah proyek selesai dan memastikan semua dokumen teknis tersedia bagi team dan end-user
Melakukan konfigurasi, install, pemantauan dan mengelola sistem keamanan (Firewall, VPN, IPS, Endpoint Security, Device Policy Management dll.) di lingkungan jaringan dan infrastruktur Bank untuk menjamin keamanan, ketersediaan, stabilitas, dan keandalan. Melakukan evaluasi, mengembangkan, dan mengimplementasikan solusi keamanan sistem dan infrastruktur di lingkungan Bank. Menerapkan sistem keamanan untuk BCP dan DRP, serta memantau proses BCP dan DRP berfungsi dengan baik. Melakukan identifikasi dan memantau secara berkala akses abnormal dan sebuah anomaly incident, event serta memitigasi potensi ancaman terhadap sistem dan infrastruktur Bank.
Melakukan analisa, menangani masalah dan permintaan dukungan teknis dari user saran rekomendasi pengembangan desain sistem Melakukan pendokumentasian administrasi sistem IT sesuai dengan peraturan dan standar yang berlaku
Bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap target omset penjualan per bulan. Mampu memberikan presentasi mengenai keunggulan produk Blackwood. Merekomendasi dan memberikan konsultasi kepada customer Membuat laporan harian, mingguan dan bulanan dari hasil follow up customer. Menjalin dan menjaga hubungan relasi dengan customer lama maupun baru. Melakukan kegiatan administrasi yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan penjualan, seperti membuat quotation/penawaran harga dan membuat price tag. Melayani walk-in customer yang datang ke showroom. Mengkoordinasi pengiriman barang yang terjual dan menangani complain after sales. Melakukan canvasing/site visit.
Monitor design and implementing safeguard to protect the system, whether it is in the form of software, hardware or new operating procedures. Monitor Analyzing, troubleshooting and correcting network problems remotely and on-site. Monitor of maintaining and administering perimeter security systems such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Monitor networks to detect any suspicious or hostile activities, and take measures, such as installing firewalls to defend against malicious attacks on the systems. Identify, assess, manage, and track remediation of risks related to IT infrastructure, applications, platforms and suppliers and drive explicit requirements and timelines in all environments Manage an information security risk management program including development, evaluation, and adherence to multiple areas of practice Communicate security issues to management.
Exploring the root cause of unknown error, troubleshooting, and improving the solution. Ensuring the database performance, availability, sustainability, and security in SQL Server Database Archiving Data
* Coordinate financial & costing process, procedure and policy. . Prepare monthly financial and costing report and ensure the accurate and correctness the report. * Control and analyze financial and costing impact from business process * Performing various administrative tasks and accurately processing paperwork. * Set procedure and monitoring transaction on digital platform • Oversee daily transactions, bank reconciliations, accounts payable and receivable, and general ledger. * Quartely financial audit preparation and participation for the bank. * Review daily payment voucher entries. * Perform “actual vs forecast” for the purposes of monthly accrual booking required by the FP&A team on a Monthly basis. * Prepare and/or Review Balance Sheet Reconciliation.