• Provide technical assistance to clients for products & services offered by Exabytes • Troubleshoot errors related to hosting related services (Windows & Linux) • Provide conslutation to Walk in client • Provide Awesome Technical Support service • Follow up client issue and meet customer satisfaction • Review Customer feedback • Review on going technical issue • Review performance metrics from the previous month. • Analyze customer feedback received over the past month. • Evaluate the efficiency of current technical issue.
mencantumkan nomor telepon (WA) aktif. mencantumkan informasi riwayat kerja yang update. cek email yang terdaftar secara berkala untuk informasi jadwal interview.
Bertanggungjawab terhadap penjualan dan pendistribusian product di areanya Membina hubungan baik Menjalankan Basic Call Prosedur dengan baik Memastikan program berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan standart yang ditentukan Menjalankan taking order Melaksanakan estimasi order
• Melakukan prospect ke pelanggan sehingga informasi mengenai kebutuhan dan keluhan dari pelanggan tertangani dengan baik. • Melakukan proses penjualan unit dari penawaran, sampai unit terkirim dan terbayar lunas. • Memastikan pencapaian target penjualan dengan baik. • Berkoordinasi dengan divisi terkait dalam proses penyerahan unit ke pelanggan.
Menguasai operasional Sistem Operasi Windows dan Linux Mengetahui masalah komputer dengan cepat Memahami dan menguasai perangkat keras / hardware komputer Memahami prinsip kerja switch, router, dan hub Memiliki pengetahuan basic tentang mikrotik Mampu membuat kabel network/LAN (crimping) Memiliki kemauan untuk mempelajari alur aplikasi internal perusahaan
Prepare sales documents such as Offering Letter, Selling Contract, Delivery Order, Response to Consumer Claims etc. to customers and related parties within the company. Checking the availability, completeness and accuracy of documents related to the administration of product sales from the customers to the relevant parties in the company for the completion of the administrative process. Documenting all sales administration documents issued by companies and consumers on a regular basis. Offering and selling products to Group2 / chain hotels, restaurants, catering/ cafes / bar / lounge, sports and tourism venues Looking for new customers create and preferably have a database of previous Horeca customers. Maintain a good relationship with customers. Develop an effective sales strategy to achieve the given target. Analyze sales data; make proposals related to sales strategies based on the results of the analysis. Responsible for achieving sales targets. Able to negotiate or make deals for cooperation, collaboration and so on. Creating a report: periodic sales (Volume, Consumer, Price etc.) Periodic sales administration completion status per contract per periodic Customer complaints periodically.
Managing and controlling company's cash flow, which includes incoming and outgoing flow of funds, general ledger, accounts payable and accounts receivable. Conducting frequent internal and external audit Reviewing and preparing company's financial performance reports (Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Budgets) Month end procedures and reporting, management accounts with cost centred accounts and tax Payroll review and submission Training, developing and reviewing work of finance staffs Standard journal entries Year end and audit preparation including tax (tax planning, compliance, strategies, tax risks, tax returns) Verification and maintenance of fixed asset Ensure documentation of and compliance with internal controls Stay up to date with legislation and regulations that affect the company and departments
Responsible for achieving the monthly target Customer data master accuracy Active Outlet Ensure the selling step walk by FSR Proximity relationship with the customer Monitor service level GT and LMT
Bertanggungjawab dalam pengawasan kegiatan penanaman, budidaya, panen, keuangan, atau pemasaran. Berkomunikasi dengan pihak eksternal atau vendor terkait penyelesaian permasalahan dalam ERP Melakukan implementasi sistem ke operasional sehingga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.masaran. Melakukan training terhadap user hingga sistem dapat digunakan 100%.
• Verifikasi data kehadiran, absensi, dan informasi lain terkait perhitungan gaji karyawan • Menghitung dan memproses gaji sesuai peraturan perusahaan dan perundang-undangan • Menyiapkan dan mengeluarkan slip gaji setiap periode penggajian • Mengelola pemotongan gaji iuran BPJS dan Potongan Pajak Pph21 • Handling Complain gaji karyawan Melaksanakan rekonsiliasi data penggajian