Carry out effective sales activities into achieving the Aftermarket sales objectives / target revenues for the territories assigned. Expanding current service sales scope and proactively promote new service products to achieve assigned target revenues. Provide pro-active customer service support towards achieving maximum customer satisfaction.
Lead all sales and marketing activities and set best practices for the team to achieve sales and profit target Doing assessment of the market and create demand for the assigned products Create customer engagement and responsible for team development by overseeing and mentoring for leadership, training, guidance, and support to staff that fosters continuous learning and improvement in performance Estimate, negotiate, and quote prices, credit, contract terms, and delivery dates. Visit and consult with clients before and after sales or contract signings to resolve problems and to provide ongoing support. Utilize strong analytical ability to evaluate end-to-end customer experience across multiple channels and customer touch points
Membuat dan menyusun rencana kerja sesuai target yang harus dicapai Menentukan dan merencanakan strategi pemasaran baik secara offline maupun online melalui media promosi, sasaran atau target dan biaya marketing dan sales Melakukan negosiasi dengan pihak ketiga terkait dengan perjanjian kerjasama Melakukan event, terobosan baru dan ide - ide baru agar tercapai bahkan melebihi target yang telah ditentukan Terbiasa dalam menyusun dan mengelola budget di bidang marketing dan sales Menguasai product knowledge Mencari, mengupdate database client dan customer relation (Mencatat dan merekap dengan baik pelanggan baru maupun pelanggan lama) Mampu dalam mendelegasikan tugas dan tanggung jawab kepada atasan dengan baik
Melakukan dan mengkoordinasikan semua kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan perencanaan, penyediaan, pengembangan, dan pembinaan sumberdaya manusia di seluruh perusahaan guna mendukung tercapainya sasaran-sasaran perusahaan, baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. 1. Menyiapkan kebijakan HRD dan Prosedur yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan, 2. Mengembangkan program-program pembinaan dan pengembangan karyawan sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan untuk meningkatkan motivasi kerja yang mampu mendukung perkembangan dan pertumbuhan perusahaan. 3. Menyiapkan Manpower Planing berdasarkan perencanaan perusahaan (business plan) yang telah disepakati. 4. Menyiapkan Job Deskripsi dari masing-masing posisi yang ada di perusahaan berdasarkan struktur organisasi yang telah ditetapkan 5. Melakukan HRD Audit ke lapangan untuk mengetahui masalah-masalah nyata di bidang SDM yang perlu ditindak-lanjuti.
Carry out Sales activities with the aim of achieving the targets. Conduct product presentations according to customer needs and perform negotiation with customers.
Prepare and review monthly financial report. Prepare and review monthly and yearly tax report. Daily finance & accounting task management.
Develop and execute a growth-focused business strategy. Identify new markets and customer needs within Learning and Development. Participate in business meetings with prospective clients. Promote our products and services, aligning with client objectives. Enhance sales revenue through financial strategies. Monitor and ensure we meet corporate goals. Prepare sales contracts while adhering to legal guidelines. Maintain sales and financial records. Cultivate long-term client relationships. Mentor and develop sales professionals.
Membuat invoice DP, consignment & putus Print dan rekap consignment Input dan upload VAT out to e-faktur dan email e-faktur Revisi/pembatalan VAT out di e-faktur Rekonsiliasi GL Account & reporting summary balance sheet SPT Tax 23 via e-Bupot, tax report PPH Badan, melaporkan semua laporan PPH, pengiriman bupot PPH 21, PPH 4(2) Tukar faktur online Mengajukan approval dan menginput data customer (customer baru, kenaikan credit limit) Rekonsiliasi PPN IN-OUT dan membuat equalisasi PPN, memastikan semua tax report sudah selesai Membantu control tagihan dan koordinasi dengan semua team sales & marketing, memastikan input SO sesuai dengan PI Verify dan otorisasi payment (petty cash & bank) Input retur di accurate dan faktur pajak Follow up DO yang belum diterima via email/telepon Follow up audit tax dan audit internal Membuat surat refund ke customer atas PPH 23 Memastikan semua report sebelum closing adalah benar, tepat dan akurat dan memberikan analisa
· Meet budget goals, including overall Revenue and CM targets for specific services · Accounts generating at least minimum corporate CM · Meet regional AR target · Full compliance in sales system input · Responsible to find the right target customers in company's focused industries · Able to hunt and close ocean freight business · Able to build up relationship with customers and dig out the opportunities fitting into company's capabilities and competencies · Able to understand customers supply chain, find the pain points and sell the right solutions and demonstrated value to customers · Maintain good relationship with existing clients, continuously improve the profitability and dig out new business opportunities. · Ensure timely and accurate reports of target accounts, opportunities and sales calls. · Follow up A/R and ensure the timely payment from the customers · Responsible to follow the customer qualification and on-boarding protocols, including credit setup and contract coordination for customers
Invoices payment processing and execution Expenses claims and petty cash processing, recon. and execution Compile, verify accuracy and sort information and documents Handling financial transactions Organize and provide documents, reports, and information Maintain electronic and physical files Respond to queries for information and access relevant files Assisting direct supervisor for handle daily operation activity Providing customer service to clients Debit/Credit Note issuances Make daily, weekly and monthly reports. Take on various analysis tasks Keep information confidential