Data Center Management (understanding of Archive Server and Life Cyle Data Management). Data Operations Management. Asset Management. Data Backup and Recovery. Security and Compliance Management. Documentation, Procedures and Reporting.
Monitoring dan Memastikan SLA achieve Membuat Daily, Weekly & Monthly report dari Ticketing System & Asset Management System Memastikan proses IMAC pada IT Asset berjalan sesuai prosedur dan tercatat lengkap Memastikan aplikasi Asset Management selalu up to date Mencatat dan membuat laporan semua pergerakan IT Asset Membuat Monthly Report dan komunikasi dengan meeting bulanan dengan stakeholder Monitoring Backup Unit, Service Unit serta refreshment unit Membuat report ekspedisi yang dilakukan semua engineer
Pekerjaan Umum yg berhubungan dgn aktifitas internal & external kantor / gudang. Sopir, Pengiriman barang, Collector / tukar faktur. Pemeliharaan Lingkungan Kantor, Gudang dan Kendaraan,
Supir pribadi Membersihkan kendaraan sebelum dipakai (luar dan dalam) Memeriksa kondisi dan kelengkapan kendaraan agar dapat dikendarai dengan baik Merawat kendaraan secara rutin agar kendaraan dapat digunakan secara optimal Bertanggung jawab terhadap kondisi kendaraan baik yang terkait dengan performance maupun kebersihan kendaraan Bertanggung jawab dengan tugas sebagai supir pribadi Mematuhi semua peraturan yang diberikan oleh user Paham etika dan etos kerja Menjaga sopan santun
Ensure the strategy and implementation of information security in accordance with the needs & applicable regulations Develop an information security framework and architecture in accordance with the Company's needs Develop and maintain policies, standards, and procedures that support the information security framework in accordance with best practices and applicable regulations Actively identify, analyze, measure, provide control recommendations, and monitor follow-up on risk control & information security Carry out regular evaluations of the implementation of IT security management policies, standards and procedures
Create new software application. Analyze and develop software / program design. Database maintenance.
Translating documents from Bahasa to Mandarin and vice versa. Filing all translation records. Communicate with headquarters in case of system and operational issues. Offer translation assistance during internal division meetings. Fulfil additional assignments assigned by supervisors. Supervision of Customer Service and Telemarketing divisions Works closely with the Product Department, Business Development Department and other department.
Manage daily business activity and make report to Management. Maintain communication with the customer for the on-going project. Logistics including export and import.