Handling monthly payroll process for employees accurately Calculate employee’s salary components and benefits, including BPJS Kesehatan, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, overtime, allowance, health insurance, and other related facilities. Ensuring the Employee Data is always updated in HRIS System Compile monthly report, related to payroll, employee’s attendance, and reimbursement Analize and do the benchmarking about compensation and benefit from other related unit business
Assist in the recruitment and onboarding of new employees Maintain employee records and ensure compliance with HR policies and procedures Coordinate employee relations activities, such as managing employee grievances and disciplinary matters Organise and facilitate training and development programmes for employees Analyst of Job Description and Job Specification for employees Assist with the administration of employee benefits
Koordinasi Tim Pajak (Mempersiapkan Setoran PPh & PPn, Mempersiapkan laporan SPT Masa PPh 21, 23, 4 (2), & PPn, Mempersiapkan laporan SPT Tahunan Perusahaan, serta Administrasi Dokumen Perpajakan), Monitoring & Rekonsiliasi Bukti Potong PPh, Check & Review Invoice Vendor (AP) serta Penginputan Jurnal Tim Accounting Yg Berhubungan Dengan Perpajakan, dan Update peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku
Melakukan analisis, verifikasi, dan menyampaikan laporan-laporan kepada pihak eksternal dan internal tepat waktu. Mengatur teknis persiapan data dan sistem pembukuan dengan divisi internal terkait. Menerapkan kebijakan dan prosedur pengelolaan akun-akun General Ledger (GL). Berkomunikasi dengan Kantor Akuntan Publik selama proses audit. Melaksanakan proyek-proyek dan inisiatif peningkatan efektivitas dan produktivitas fungsi akuntansi, pelaporan, dan perpajakan.
- Collect internal data, including financial data and relevant operational KPIs, for processing and analysis. - Analyze revenue and expense trends on a Month-over-Month (MoM), Year-over-Year (YoY), and Year-to-Date (YTD) basis, identifying any anomalies. - Monitor actual CAPEX realization compared to the budget. - Analyze and report variances between actual financial results and budgeted figures. - Prepare an Executive Summary report and distribute it to Management. - Present data in a well-structured visual format, including graphs, charts, and tables. - Assist with other ad hoc projects or assignments within the budget team.
Perform business operations, financial and compliance audit, in accordance with task assignments from Supervisor and/or Manager. Prepare working paper to be documented; including but not limited to work allocation among audit team members, auditing procedure, collected & obtained audit evidences during audit process. Assisting Superior in managing audit reports by providing complete data, based on audit working paper. Evaluate and enhance internal controls to improve operational efficiency. Analyze and resolve audit issues in a timely manner.
Monitor and review the outlet inventory related movement Maintain daily expense consumption material goods Manage the implementation of monthly stock opname Prepare & submit inventory report to manager
Menginput data Melakukan pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan posisi Audit Mempunyai kemampuan untuk menganalisa Melakukan pembukuan ringan Melakukan pendataan database Melakukan Filling Dokumen / Data Mampu bekerja dalam tim maupun Individu Bersedia melaksanakan perjalanan Dinas